At Real Son of a Butcher BBQ, we do BBQ!

Not only that, with these courses, we help backyard barbecuers and food lovers become BBQ Heros, creating their own BBQ and smoked meats that will impress their friends and family, save them money, and actually help them eat healthier.

A week after purchasing the Better Bacon Bootcamp course, I made my first attempt at making bacon into my smoker. Following the instructions was very simple, not at all time consuming. My cash outlay was minimal, and others can do it for less as discussed in the tutorial.


My first thought after smoking the bacon was... I’ll never buy store bought bacon again! I’m looking forward to doing some experimenting with different spices and woods. But my initial impression was that this tutorial is worth every penny!

If you enjoy bacon and excellent food, this is for you! It also opens up a lot of other possibilities for the imaginative cooks. I’m looking forward to doing a lot of experiments in the future!

- Rae Stoetzel

Make your own brisket,

fresh sausage,
or even Montreal Smoked Meat.

Meet the Real Son of a Butcher.

I'm Rhéal Pelland...

And I know that it can be difficult and overwhelming to get into smoking meats; you don't want to screw it up, and the social media groups you have joined are full of confusing, conflicting, and often antagonistic messages.  It doesn't have to be so complicated.

I grew up in my dad's butcher shop and I want to make things simple for you. I believe that it is possible for you to create smoked meats that will impress your family and friends.  Not only that, it will be healthier for you AND taste better than what you get in the store.